Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

General Education, Associate Degrees, & Certificates

General Education Core Requirements

General Education refers to the broad spectrum of knowledge that serves as a foundation for the quality education of degree-seeking students. The fundamental collection is a pathway of knowledge to enhance a student’s ability to think critically, problem-solve, and communicate effectively in pursuing career readiness. Students who pursue a course of study will have the following opportunities:

  • Enhance required skills for effective written and oral communications
  • Acquire a greater insight into becoming a responsible citizen by expanding one’s understanding of human behavior, experience, culture, and diversity. (or) Acquire a greater insight into becoming a responsible citizen by expanding one’s sense of global learning and civic engagement.
  • Expand upon technology concepts and functionalities to locate, retrieve, synthesize, and disseminate information.
  • Develop and apply scientific inquiry and mathematical concepts, enhancing problem-solving skills.

General Requirements for Graduation

All candidates for a degree must meet the following requirements: 

  1. Students must earn a minimum of 64 credit hours of credit and 128 grade points (the equivalent of an overall C grade average).  Credit hour requirements are noted on each Asscociate Degree awarded by the institution. 
  2. Students may participate in the May graduation ceremony if they have no more than nine (9) credit hours to complete the applicable degree or certification and be enrolled in the immediate summer term. 
  3. Students who transfer to a Kansas Regent Institution must follow and complete the Statewide General Education requirements to obtain a seamless transfer for Associate of Arts and Associate of Science. CCC transcripts will indicate that the Statewide General Education requirements have been met in accordance with KBOR policy. 
  4. Transfer students pursuing a degree from Coffeyville Community College must earn a minimum of 15 credit hours of their last 24 credit hours from CCC or have completed an approved technical program at CCC to meet the requirements to be awarded a degree or certificate. 
  5. Reverse Transfer: Native Students of Coffeyville Community College may submit a request for reverse transfer to complete an Associate of Art, Science, or General Studies Degree. The institution will accept a maximum of 19 credit hours to meet one of the aforementioned associate degrees. The registrar can evaluate and/or waive the College Orientation I and II requirements in the reverse transfer process. 

       Kansas Reverse Transfer Eligibility:  Students who have earned a minimum of 45 credit hours from CCC and have continued their education at a Kansas Public Universities may utilize the reverse transfer policy. Students may have         the remaining credit hours applied to their CCC transcript to meet the degree requirements to earn an Associate Degree from CCC. The Kansas Public University will notify students once they become eligible within the first year. 

*Native student - initial college enrollment was at CCC, and has not earned or attempted hours at other higher education institutions.

*Transfer student - initial college enrollment was not at CCC and has earned or attempted hours at other higher education institutions.

Kansas Board of Regents Systemwide Transfer

The Transfer Kansas portal houses all Systemwide Transfer (SWT) courses approved by the Kansas Board of Regents, for which faculty develop and update learning outcomes. SWT courses transfer to any Kansas public institution offering an equivalent course. The decision of lower division courses to count toward upper division credit hours is at the discretion of the receiving institution.

For a complete list of SWT courses visit:

Associate in Arts

Location(s): Coffeyville Main Campus, Virtual Campus

The Associate in Arts is designed to transfer to a baccalaureate degree-granting institution. The student must complete 64 credit hours with a grade point average of 2.00 (C) or above. There is a minimum cumulative general education requirement of 34 credit hours. A minimum number of semester credit hours will be required in each field listed below. NOTE:  No courses numbered below 100 apply. Completion of the general education (GE) package satisfies the GE requirement aligned with the Kansas Systemwide General Education Program (For full disclosure, refer to Transfer Articulation Agreement ).

General Education Requirements, 35 Hours

English, 6 Hours

Communications, 3 Hours

Mathematics & Statistics, 3 Hours

Please refer to your selected pathway for mathematics requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Natural & Physical Science, 5 Hours

Please refer to your selected pathway for science requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Social and Behavioral Sciences, 6 Hours

Minimum of 6 credit hours.  Courses must be from two of the following subject areas.

Please refer to your selected pathway for requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Arts and Humanities, 6 Hours

Minimum of 6 credit hours.  Courses must be from two of the following subject areas. 

Please refer to your selected pathway for requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Institutionally Designated General Education, 6 Hours

Please refer to your selected pathway for requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Degree Requirements, 5 Hours

Computer Literacy (3 Hours) - COMP 161   or COMP 162  

First-Year Experience (1 Hour) - PSYC 100  

Capstone Experience (1 Hour) - PSYC 107  

Academic Pathway / Electives, 24 Hours

Please refer to your selected pathway for recommenations and/or requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Total Associate in Arts Hours = 64


   * Students should check with their academic advisor for specific course requirements at the transfer institutions.

 **   First-Year Experience is required for all degree-seeking students.

***  Capstone Experience is required for all Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in General

      Studies students. Students will enroll in their Capstone Experience course during their final semester.


Associate in Science

Location(s): Coffeyville Main Campus, Virtual Campus

The Associate in Science is designed to transfer to a baccalaureate degree-granting institution. The student must complete 64 credit hours with a grade point average of 2.00 (C) or above. There is a minimum cumulative general education requirement of 34 credit hours. A minimum number of semester credit hours will be required in each field listed below. NOTE:  No courses numbered below 100 apply. Completion of the general education (GE) package satisfies the GE requirement aligned with the Kansas Systemwide General Education Program (For full disclosure refer to Transfer Articulation Agreement  )

General Education Requirements, 35 Hours

English, 6 Hours

Communications, 3 Hours

Mathematics & Statistics, 3 Hours

Please refer to your selected pathway for mathematics requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Natural & Physical Science, 5 Hours

Please refer to your selected pathway for science requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Social and Behavioral Sciences, 6 Hours

Minumum of 6 credit hours.  Courses must be from two of the following subject areas. 

Please refer to your selected pathway for requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Arts and Humanities, 6 Hours

Minumum 6 credit hours.  Courses must be from two of the following subject areas.

Please refer to your selected pathway for requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Institutionally Designated General Education, 6 Hours

Please refer to your selected pathway for requirements specific to your chosen program. 

Degree Requirements, 10 Hours

*Natural & Physical Science (5 Hours) - Students must complete a second five-hour course to meet the required sciece hours for an Associate in Science degree.  Any science course may be applied to meet this degree requirements. 

Computer Literacy (3 Hours) - COMP 161   or COMP 162  

First-Year Experience - PSYC 100  

Capstone Experience - PSYC 107  

Academic Pathway / Electives, 19 Hours

Please refer to your selected pathway for recommndations and/or requirments specific to your chosen program. 

Total Associate in Science Hours = 64


   *     Students should check with their academic advisor for specific course requirements at the transfer institutions.

 **     First-Year Experience is required for all degree-seeking students.

***    Capstone Experience is required for all Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in General Studies students. Students will enroll in their Capstone Experience course during their final semester.

**** Science courses will only count for one area of the degree.


Associate in Applied Science

Location(s): Coffeyville Technical Campus, Columbus Technical Campus

Certain courses within this degree may or may not transfer to baccalaureate degree-granting institutions. The student must complete  64-66 credit hours (dependent upon the certificate program) with a grade point average of 2.00 (C) or above. There is a minimum cumulative general education requirement of 18 credit hours. A minimum number of semester credit hours will be required in each of the fields listed below. NOTE:  No courses numbered below 100 apply.

*The Associate in Applied Science in Construction Technology requires 63 credit hours, and Business Math is not required.

General Education Requirements, 15 Hours

English, 3 Hours

Communications, 3 Hours

Select one of the following: 

Institutionally Designated General Education, 9 Hours

Select a minumum of 9 credit hours from the following: 

Degree Requirement, 3 Hours

Mathmatic Applications - Select one from the following: 

Vocational Pathway, 46 Hours

Total Associate in Applied Science Hours = 64


   *     Students should check with their academic advisor for specific course requirements at the transfer institutions.



Associate in Applied Science in Technical Studies

Location(s): Coffeyville Technical Campus, Columbus Technical Campus

Certain courses within this degree may or may not transfer to baccalaureate degree granting-institutions. The student must complete 64 credit hours with a grade point average of 2.00 (C) or above. There is a minimum cumulative general education requirement of 18 credit hours. A minimum number of semester credit hours will be required in each of the fields listed below. NOTE:  No courses numbered below 100 apply.

*The Associate in Applied Science in Construction Technology requires 63 credit hours and Business Math is not required.

General Education Requirements, 15 Hours

English, 3 Hours

Institutionally Designated General Education, 12 Hours

Select a minimum of 12 credit hours from the following: 

Degree Requirement, 3 Hours

Mathmatic Applications - Select one of the following: 

Vocational Pathway, 46 Hours

*A minimum of 15 credit hours must be earned in at least two approved vocational/technical programs (e.g. 15 hours in Electrical and 31 hours in Construction), which will result in the completion of a minimum of 46 credit hours of approved vocational/technical curriculum.   Available programs include Auto Service, Auto Collision & Refinishing, Construction, Electrical, Fire Science, Information Systems, Medical Assisting, Medical Laboratory Technology, Paramedic, Practical Nursing, Precision Machining, Registered Nursing and Welding.

Total Associate in Applied Science in Technical Studies Hours = 64


* Student should check with advisor for specific course requirements at transfer institution.


Associate in General Studies

Location(s): Coffeyville Main Campus, Virtual Campus

Certain courses within this degree may or may not transfer to baccalaureate degree-granting institutions. The student must complete 64 credit hours with a grade point average of 2.00 (C) or above. There is a minimum cumulative general education requirement of 29 credit hours. A minimum number of semester credit hours will be required in each of the fields listed below. NOTE:  No courses numbered below 100 apply.

General Education Requirements, 29 Hours

English, 3 Hours

Communications, 3 Hours

Natural & Physical Science, 5 Hours

Select one of the following: 

Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3 Hours

Select one of the following: 

Arts and Humanities, 3 Hours

Select one of the following: 

Institutionally Designated General Education, 9 Hours

Select a minumum 9 hours from the following: 

Degree Requirements, 5 Hours

Computer Literacy (3 Hours) - COMP 161   or COMP 162  

First-Year Experience (1 Hour) - PSYC 100  

Capstone Experience (1 Hour) - PSYC 107  

Academic Pathway / Electives, 30 Hours

Please refer to your selected pathway for recommendations and/or requiremetns specific to your chosen program. 

Total Associate in General Studies Hours = 64


   *     Students should check with their academic advisor for specific course requirements at the transfer institutions.

 **     First-Year Experience is required for all degree-seeking students.

***    Capstone Experience is required for all Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in General Studies students. Students will enroll in their Capstone Experience course during their final semester.



The College issues a Certificate of Completion for selected programs, which require less than 64 hours of credit. Those who qualify for the Certificate of Completion are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremonies. Certificates are currently available for the following programs:

Certificate of Completion

  • Auto Collision and Refining Technology
  • Automotive Technology
  • Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)
  • Construction Technology
  • Electrical Technology
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
  • Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT)
  • Fire Science 
  • Information Systems Technology
  • Machining & Manufacturing Technology
  • Medical Assistant
  • Phlebotomy
  • Practical Nursing
  • Welding Technology

Course Certificates

  • Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)
  • Certified Medication Aide (CMA)
  • Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)
  • Home Health Aide (HHA)