Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Campus Living and Learning

Student IDs and Compliance

Student ID cards are provided to students enrolled in six (6) or more credit hours in a semester. The student ID card admits students to numerous student activities, permits students to check out items in the library, and affords other opportunities limited to currently enrolled students. Students must report to the circle desk in the student union within the first two weeks of classes to obtain a picture ID. Lost or late cards will be assessed a $10.00 processing fee. Community and College IDs may also be issued upon request to those who are not full-time students, and at no charge. Proof of a current address and phone number is required. These IDs are used for the library resources and do provide student activity privileges. False identification, willful refusal to produce the card, and/or to identify one’s self to College personnel, dining hall staff, or security personnel will result in disciplinary action.

Student Government Association

Many functions of the College are sponsored by SGA. Not only does SGA govern the student body, it also helps organize and carry out social functions and activities, sanctions clubs and campus organizations, and makes policy recommendations to improve student life. The Student Government Association is composed of two elected officers (a president chosen from the sophomore class and a vice president chosen from the freshman class) and any other student wishing to be a member. A secretary is elected from the membership. SGA meets bi-monthly throughout the school year. For more information on SGA, contact the Recruiter/Event Coordinator.

Clubs and Organizations

Clubs are an integral part of any educational experience. Field trips and convention attendance may be partially funded by the student activity fund. Current CCC student clubs are listed below:

Academic Challenge

Academic Challenge is a Kansas community college quiz bowl competition sponsored by the Kansas Board of Regents. Tournaments are hosted by colleges across the state during the spring semester with a state championship tournament taking place the final weekend in April. Teams are comprised of four students with additional alternates and substitutions allowed. Questions for the competition follow the general education curriculum common to Kansas community colleges and are similar in style to NAQT. Although scholarships are available for this program, any CCC student is eligible to participate in this activity. Team meetings and practices are scheduled during the fall semester and a three credit hour class is offered in the spring to help interested students prepare for competition.

Agriculture Club

The Agriculture Club is open to all students who have an interest in agriculture. Activities provide the opportunity to develop life-long friendships and important contacts. In addition, participation in this club encourages personal growth through development of leadership, communication and organizational skills. Major activities of the Agriculture Club include many social events and field trips involving agriculture.

Christian Challenge

Christian Challenge is a colaboration of Food, Fun, Friends and Faith.  Their mission statement is “Students discovering the reality of Christ and the value of community”.  Christian Challenge offers various opportunities throughout each week to enjoy good company, forge lasting relationships and gain positive influence.  

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Fellowship of Christian Athletes is open to any student and is the largest interdenominational school-based Christian sport organization in America. The organization offers students a venue for fellowship with other Christians and an opportunity to experience the interaction between the group and various speakers.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

The mission of FBLA is to inspire and prepare students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.  

Honors Program

The Honors Program at Coffeyville Community College assists students seeking to excel in all aspects of their college experience. The program emphasizes the importance of collaborative learning, encourages relationship development and service while allowing students to be part of an innovative group of individuals seeking new ways to learn, serve and grow in our ever changing world.

Acceptance into the Honors Program is not based on any single criterion such as standardized test scores, class rank or GPA. All applications will be examined to identify the most qualified students who will be invited to join the Honors Program and receive the scholarship applicable to their academic qualifications.

International Students Club

The International Student Club welcomes all students who want to meet people from around the world and learn about different cultures. Events planned for the school year include Language Exchange, community involvement, field trips, and a Cultural Night Celebration. Participants can develop leadership and intercultural communication skills, and build friendships that span the globe

Native American Leadership Club

Native American Leadership Club is open to any student interested in Native American Culture. The club will host cultural events and performances, including a Pow-Wow, art shows and leadership activities.

Phi Theta Kappa

The Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international scholastic honor society for community colleges was established at CCC / ATS in the fall of 1949. Members are chosen on the basis of scholastic achievement. Initiation and installation of new members is conducted each semester. Grade requirements for Eta Gamma are among the highest in the nation. To become members, students at the end of their first semester must have completed 12 semester hours of associate degree course work with a 3.5 grade point average. To become a member at the end of the second semester, a student must have completed 24 semester hours of associate degree course work with a 3.5 GPA, and at the end of the third semester must have completed 36 semester hours of associate degree course work with a 3.5 GPA. A one-time fee is charged for joining the organization. Benefits of membership include: a golden key of Phi Theta Kappa membership pin, member certificate, “Member of Phi Theta Kappa” included on transcript, golden key newsletter, PTK scholarship directory, automatic nomination for the National Dean’s list publication, the privilege of wearing an honors stole at graduation, the opportunity for leadership training and travel to regional and international events. Eta Gamma is a Five-Star Chapter.

Pickled Pork Improvisational Comedy Troupe

This small ensemble of comic performers entertains during the school year. To be considered for the ensemble one must be enrolled in Improvisation I or II, and each class serves as an audition for an individual to perform in the comedy troupe. The group performs non-scripted, improvised, original sketches and audience participation games created by audience suggestions.


SkillsUSA provides opportunities for students to develop and enhance the skills they need in order to be successful in future career and leadership endeavors. Participation in SkillsUSA enhances maturity, promotes career readiness and provides a smooth transition to the next career or educational goal.

The interaction between SkillsUSA and business and industry is especially meaningful as it allows employers to contribute directly to the students’ education. Students gain personal confidence by exposure to challenges, positive role models, and meaningful interactions which allow them to attain and showcase valuable career development skills for potential job placement.

Student Government Association (SGA)

Many functions of the College are sponsored by SGA. Not only does SGA govern the student body, it also helps organize and carry out social functions and activities, sanctions clubs and campus organizations and makes policy recommendations to improve student life. The Student Government Association is composed of two elected officers (a president chosen from the sophomore class and a vice president chosen from the freshman class) and any other student wishing to be a member. A secretary is elected from the membership. SGA meets bi-monthly.

Student Nurses Association (SNA)

The purpose of the Student Nurses Association (SNA) is to accomplish self-government and to promote professional development among its members. The goals of the SNA include: Facilitating the optimum level of communication among students and between the students and the faculty; stimulating personal and professional development and exchange of ideas through social, cultural, and intellectual experiences; promoting cooperation between nursing students of Coffeyville Community College Nursing Program (CCCNP) and other student organization at Coffeyville Community College (CCC).

Theatre Productions

The College offers students the chance to work on six plays throughout the course of the school year which includes a musical, student directed one-acts, original plays, new contemporary comedies and dramas and classical plays. In addition to on-stage acting, students can assist in the technical aspects of theatre.

Varsity Athletics

Coffeyville Community College is a member of the Kansas Jayhawk Community College Conference and the National Junior College Athletic Association. The Jayhawk Conference offers a complete schedule in football, basketball, baseball, cross country, golf, track and field, volleyball, softball, and soccer. Scholarships are presented to selected athletes who qualify under conference and NJCAA rules.

Cheerleading and dance team members are selected annually. Their responsibilities include regular practices, various competitions and performances at most intercollegiate athletic football and basketball games. Team members follow the same academic and scholarship rules of NJCAA sports.

The CCC rodeo team competes under National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association regulations, and students must meet NIRA standards to qualify for scholarships.

Intramural Activities

Intramural activities will be open to all students and are available at various times each semester. Students sign up with the Student Life/Diversity and Inclusion Director to participate. Information will be posted around campus prior to the beginning of each activity.

Campus Security

Coffeyville Community College is committed to providing a safe environment for students to learn and to live. Security Officers or Student Life Managers are available in Powell Hall between the hours of 7:00 pm and 2:30 am and may be reached by calling 620.252.7395. Walker Hall has Student Life Managers available 24 hours a day and may be contacted by having the Security Officers in Powell Hall contact them. DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL THE ABOVE NUMBER IF YOU NEED AN ESCORT TO ANOTHER CAMPUS FACILITY.

Computer Use Policy

Computer systems are predominantly for educational and professional use only. All information created by staff and students and stored shall be subject to unannounced monitoring by College administrators. The College retains the right to discipline any student, up to and including expulsion, and any employee, up to and including termination, for violations of this policy.

No software, including freeware or shareware, may be installed on any College computer until cleared by the Director of Technology. The administrator will verify the compatibility of the software with existing software and hardware, and prescribe installation and de-installation procedures. Freeware and shareware may be downloaded only onto workstation floppy disks, not hard drives. Program files must have the Director of Technology’s approval to be installed on any College server or computer. Students shall not install software on College computers or computer systems.

Staff shall not install unapproved hardware on College computers, or make changes to software settings that support College hardware.

The administration may conduct periodic audits of software installed on College equipment to verify legitimate use. Employees and/or students shall have no expectation of privacy when using College e-mail or other official communication systems. Any e-mail or computer application or information in College computers or computer systems is subject to monitoring by the administration.

Computer materials or devices created as part of any assigned College responsibility or classroom activity undertaken on school time shall be the property of the Board. The Board retains the option to negotiate with a student/employee on the marketing and/or sale of materials or devices created as part of an assigned responsibility or classroom activity. The Board’s rules governing ownership of employee- or student-produced computer materials are on file with the Secretary and are available upon request.