Sep 29, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Residence Halls


It is the policy of Coffeyville Community College to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), the Fair Housing Act, and other applicable federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. Students seeking accommodations must self-identify with the Director of Academic Advising and Student Success Center

Housing Meetings

During the semester, certain floor and residence hall meetings will be designated as “mandatory” by the residence hall staff. Residents must attend mandatory meetings. Failure to attend these meetings will result in missing out on valuable information. Failure to attend mandatory meetings will result in one warning. A second offense will result in a “failure to attend a mandatory housing meeting” fine and/or community service.


Student use and possession of alcohol is prohibited in the Residence Halls. Possession found will result in community service, fines, and/or removal from the Residence Halls.


Students who wish to remain in the Residence Hall over holiday breaks and in between semesters must receive advance approval from the Director of Student Life. Students receiving approval will be charged the daily room rate.

Prohibited Items

If found, the following items will be confiscated, and individuals will be subject to disciplinary actions:

  • Animals or pets of any kind
  • Any type of smoking substance or inhalant (except tobacco products)
  • Candles, fireworks, explosives, charcoal/gas grills, oil lamps, incense or any combustible device (gasoline, benzene, flammable liquids, chemicals)
  • Federal, state, college, local or other signs.
  • Weapons, or other dangerous instruments which may cause injury or damage to person or property.
  • Hot plates, toaster ovens, George Foreman and similar grills.


Students may bring their own carpet. Students bringing their own carpet are also responsible for removal of the carpet and any carpet tape. Students are required to keep carpet clean.


The College Residence Halls are designed for single sex occupancy. In the event that a vacancy occurs in a room or suite, it may not be occupied by a member of the opposite sex. No member of the opposite sex is allowed in a suite or room of the opposite sex after curfew hours.


Use of approved microwave ovens is permitted. All other cooking in the Residence Hall units is prohibited. Unauthorized cooking appliances will be confiscated. Violators are subject to disciplinary action.

Roommate Rights

A roommate can be a cohort, tutor, and adviser. They can also be the friend with whom you share the fun and pressures of your college years. We hope the relationships you build with your roommate will continue long after you leave Coffeyville Community College.

We all have rights, especially as roommates. You and your roommate have the right to …

  • Read and study in your room without undue disturbance.
  • Sleep without undue disturbance.
  • Expect each will respect the others personal belongings.
  • Live in a clean environment.
  • Free access to your room without interference.
  • Personal privacy.
  • Host guests, provided the guests respect roommate’s rights and those of other hall residents.
  • Be free from fear of intimidation and physical or emotional harm.
  • Refuse requests without having to feel guilty or selfish.
  • Feel or express anger.
  • Make mistakes.
  • Have opinions, feelings, and needs be given respect and consideration.
  • Be independent.
  • Expect reasonable cooperation regarding use of your room.

Curfew Hours/Visitors

The following procedure has been designed to provide additional safety and security for all residents. Visitors are permitted in the Residence Halls between the hours of 8am-2am.

All visitors are required to leave the Residence Halls at 2 am. Visitors failing to follow the curfew rules will be escorted out of the Residence Halls and not allowed to visit the Residence Halls again. 

All visitors must follow the following procedures 24 hours a day in Walker Hall and after 7:00 pm in Raven Hall:

  1. Sign in at the Security Window/Desk.
  2. Leave identification (driver’s license).
  3. Wait until the student they are visiting meets them at the Security Window/Desk.
  4. Enter and exit through the main entrance.

Guests under the age of 18 years must be pre-approved with the Residence Hall Directors during regular business hours at least 48 hours prior to arrival. All guests pre-approved by the Directors must abide by the curfew laws of the City of Coffeyville. These guests must be out of the complexes by 2 am.

The following are general reminders regarding visitation:

  • All visitors must be escorted by (in the immediate company of) a resident of the hall.
  • Guests will be asked to leave the residence hall if their behavior is disturbing residents.
  • Residents assume complete responsibility for the action of their guests. Make certain that guests are aware of residence hall policies.
  • Individuals who have been evicted and/or banned from the halls are prohibited from entering the residence halls and are not to be assisted by residents in entering the halls.
  • Cohabitation in residence hall rooms is not allowed. Residence hall staff reserves the right to define or limit cohabitation at any time.
  • Overnight and out-of-town guests are permitted in the Residence Halls only with prior approval by the Residence Hall Directors. Written approval must be received at least 48 hours prior to arrival.